People choose Herbal Medicine for many reasons - an inclination for natural treatment, for maintaining longterm health, or maybe after failure of other regimes to bring about a successful outcome.
Without the Kingdom of Plants we could not exist.
Herbal Medicine as a treatment system has stood the
test of time and efficacy by humankind for
millennia, and is as useful today as ever.
Herbs act gently and yet have a powerful, transforming action and effect upon a person.
With scientific knowledge and research Herbal Medicine has even more validity as a stand alone treatment, but may also be used alongside orthodox medicine prescribed by a doctor. Many orthodox drugs have their roots in plant medicine. A modern Herbalist is trained in safe dosage, contra-indications and interactions, therefore a patient can be assured of best practice.
A wide range of herbs are used in practice, from
native British and European plants to those of the
Americas and Asia. The medical systems and
knowledge of the peoples of these continents are
incorporated into Western Herbal Medicine and it
is the richer for this.
Flower Essences are also used at the Herbal Health Clinic to enhance therapy. These work on a deep psycho-spiritual and emotional level, thus directing treatment in a very positive way.
Flower Essences can be added to medicine or used entirely separately.

Herbal Medicine can help with: